Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Red letter day!

I will mark today as a red letter day in my life and career. HarvestMan is one among the winners of FOSS India Awards declared by EFY today.

After four years of painstaking work and countless hours spent on developing the program, I feel happy to be at the "receiving end". A lot of gratitude goes to the EIAO team of Mikael, Nils and Morten for giving me the motivation to work on the program and keep improving it.

Congratulations to all the award winners for their spirit of free software and open source. Keep up the good work!

This is a very good initiative on the part of NRC FOSS and EFY to encourage F/OSS development in India. I really appreciate the leadership shown here by both the institutions. Apart from putting FOSS and people who innovate in FOSS in India in the limelight, the initiative will also help to advertise to the world the fact that Indians are also innovating in this area.

Hopefully, efforts like this would encourage the adoption of F/OSS on a large scale among students in engineering and technology in Indian universities and provide a big push towards more original F/OSS contributions from India.


Vijay Kumar said...

Great and well deserved recognition for your monumental effort.
Heartiest congratulation !!!.

Anand said...

Thanks Vijay.

Btw, your name is there in Wikia FOSS contributors from India. Maybe you should go, edit your personal page and add some links.


Unknown said...

you have a long way to go.